Starting a Commission

Commissioned works represent an important part of Glenda’s work schedule. In most cases, commissioned pieces take presidence over non-commissioned works. Since her time is limited, she is only able to meet personally with those who are qualified financially and willing to formalize their intent to engage her services. With those conditions met, a  first meeting is arranged if needed, to discuss and reach, agreement  regarding the specifics  of the project.  This would include number of subjects, size,  background, clothing, accessories, pets, and any other elements to be included in the painting. Along with any special requests or feelings the client may have for the commission. From that information, the final price is determined and a final Contract of Agreement is signed and paid for. 

Contact Information: 

Phone: 801-750-3937


The one exception to the travel rule is when a special photography session is required capture the reference images she will need to compose the painting or portrait. Those sessions will be carefully planned to assure the subject(s) be captured in a variety of lighting conditions and poses.  These sessions might take between 1 and 4 hours, depending on the number of subjects and the complexity of the composition.

Design and Composition

Once all reference images have been approved, Glenda will use them to sketch proof of concept drawings for the client to review.  At this point, changes and/or additions can be made until a final composition concept is agreed upon.

The Painting

Nothing but the best oils and archival materials are used for each painting. If live sittings are required, they will occur in Glenda’s studio. Commissioned works are started and completed in Glenda’s studio. 

Delivery of finished Work  

After all final adjustments are made, delivery arrangements will be made.  **Framing, travel expenses, shipping and any other associated expenses are separate from the commissioned work. These are itemized and billed separately. 

Send me an email if you have any questions

9 + 13 =

© Artist works, scans and web design copyright Glenda Gleave.

Site designed and built by Gordon Gleave